Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2021, $625,000)
The San Luis Obispo (SLO) County Veterans Treatment Court Expansion proposal enhances co-occurring and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment for veterans in the criminal justice system. The Behavioral Health Department, Veterans Services Office, Superior Court, Probation Department, and other local community stakeholders propose this Category 2: Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) grant to expand treatment capacity.
SLO VTC is a Type B, post-plea misdemeanor and felony court program for veterans with a nexus between their crime, behavioral health, and military service. The proposal addresses the need for a cohesive team to provide SUD treatment along with mental health services. This proposal seeks $500,000 to add SUD specialty to provide more efficient services, maintain client engagement, and improve health outcomes for 120 individuals over the duration of the grant.
The objectives include the addition of a .75 FTE Behavioral Health Specialist to be co-located with the VTC Clinician, providing SUD screening, assessment, and treatment. The Specialist will support the Peer Mentors with training on SUD recovery supports. The County is requesting funding to expand drug testing; and support VTC participant access to recovery residences, increasing leisure activities and pro-social companions. The request includes an Administrative Services Officer to improve quality assurance outcomes for all VTC partners.
The minimum length of program participation is 18 months and the maximum length is 24 months. Participants average 20 months. The target population is all veterans who have entered the criminal justice system as a result of trauma endured while in the military, and who have been concurrently diagnosed with at least one SUD. Veterans requiring MAT services will receive them through the County’s Drug and Alcohol Services.
The plan is to add capacity for treatment and services to address opioid, stimulant, and SUD. Participants will be screened and assessed using evidence-based assessments and interventions. Treatment plans will include individual therapy, psychiatric medication services, group therapy, case management, and urine drug testing.
The ADC Standards being enhanced:
I: Target Population (pp. 3, 4, 5, 13)
V: Substance Use Treatment (pp. 2, 13)
VI: Complementary Treatment and Social Services (pp. 3, 13)
IX: Census and Caseloads (pp. 3, 13)
X: Monitoring and Evaluation (pp. 3, 13)
The County will provide in-kind support to this grant with funds from California’s Mental Health Services Act. The Department received a FY 2018 Drug Treatment Court Program grant (2018-DC-BX-0026), and a FY 2018 BJA Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant (2018-DC-BX-0013).