The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) provides a wide range of resources through programs and services, including training and technical assistance, to address chronic and emerging criminal justice challenges nationwide.
Following are a sampling of available BJA resources that are specifically related to corrections and reentry.
Funding Awards
BJA Programs
Following are some of the BJA programs that focus on corrections and reentry:
- Body-Worn Camera Partnership Program
- Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program
- Community-based Reentry
- Community-based Reentry Incubator
- Community Supervision Resource Center
- Community Supervision Strategies
- Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program
- COVID-19 Detection and Mitigation in Confinement Facilities Training and Technical Assistance Center
- Death in Custody Reporting Act Data Collection
- Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program
- Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Program
- Improving Adult and Youth Crisis Stabilization and Community Reentry
- Improving Reentry Education and Employment Outcomes
- Improving Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Outcomes for Adults in Reentry Program
- Innovations in Reentry Initiative
- Jails and Justice Support Center
- Justice Counts
- Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program
- Justice Reinvestment Initiative
- National Reentry Resource Center and Second Chance Technical Assistance
- Patrick Leahy Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program
- Pay for Success
- Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program
- Prison Rape Elimination Act
- Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners Program
- Second Chance Act Programs
- Smart Reentry: Housing Demonstration
- Smart Supervision Program
- State Criminal Alien Assistance Program
- Tribal Justice Systems Infrastructure Program
- Visiting Fellows Program
This page is updated regularly as new resources are released.