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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Redmond Police Department Body Worn Camera and Personnel Request FY21

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2021, $170,000)

The Redmond Police Department (RPD) is requesting funding through the USDOJ BWC-PIP.  The RPD is a full-service law enforcement agency with 85 sworn officers who provide 24-hour police service to 65,000 citizens. The department is submitting a request to fund 85 body worn cameras. The total grant project request for this is $340,000.  The federal request is $170,000.  The city will provide the required 50% match of $170.000.


The RPD does not currently use body worn or in-car camera systems and there is not existing system in place to record interactions between officers and the community. The community is in favor of a camera program for its police department. In a recent poll asking if the community is in favor of the BWC program; 94% who responded were in favor and only 6% were opposed.


Camera footage may be shared and used as a resource for investigating significant use of force incidents and for demonstrating transparency by showing recordings to non-enforcement community members when necessary. The community is looking forward to the advantages that come with a camera program such as increased transparency, officer accountability, improvements in citizen behavior, reduction in citizen complaints, improved evidence for criminal cases, reduced liability and training. The primary purpose of the project is to help improve the high-quality public service expected of Redmond police officers and promote the perceived legitimacy and sense of procedural justice communities feel about their police department.


To implement the BWC Program, the department will hold community meetings and meet with community stakeholders to introduce the plans of the RPD to implement a BWC project, gauge the acceptance of the project, and to gather information on the public’s expectations. Once this is complete, the department, along with stakeholders will develop policies and procedures for the use of the cameras and digital media evidence. Personnel will then receive training, the cameras will be purchased and deployed, and the department will assess progress.


The RPD is committed to successful implementation of the BWC PIP. The project is fully supported by several community groups and the District Attorney. The expected outcome of this project is to improve police services, community relations and prosecutions. The department has a clear understanding of what it will take to implement a successful BWC PIP and will ensure that the comprehensive approach to community input, policy development, training, implementation, and review described in this proposal is followed.

Date Created: December 17, 2021