Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2022, $749,681)
The Judiciary of Guam’s Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) began operations on September 10, 2015. The court is pre-adjudication. The jurisdiction size is U.S. territory and the area is rural. The Judiciary is applying under Category 2: Enhancement. The project’s purpose is to enhance the current program thereby increasing the successful outcomes of its participants. Activities include providing additional support such as Matrix family treatment sessions; transportation support for participants without access to transportation; participant care supplies, a rental vehicle for VTC staff to increase engagement, home visits and wellness checks; facilitator training for the Helping Men Recover (HMR) curriculum to increase the island’s capacity for gender-specific, trauma-informed program addressing addiction; and contracting a veteran mentor coordinator and veteran mentors for peer support. The amount of federal funds requested is $749,681. The VTC proposes to serve a total of 80 participants over the life of the grant period. VTC participants will undergo an 18-24 month program, with a minimum of 12 months and maximum of 24 months. The target population is veterans, males and females, 18 years or older, charged with a criminal offense and assessed to be in need of substance abuse treatment. VTC participants have access to the Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) services via its treatment partners. The VTC will address substance use through a continuum of care that includes Matrix family sessions, Moral Reconation Therapy, HMR, MAT, and social support services. The enhancement project addresses the following NADCP Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards: Standard I: Target Population (pg.10), Standard V: Substance Use Disorder Treatment (pg.11), Standard VI: Complementary Treatment and Social Services (pgs.10, 11), Standard VII: Drug and Alcohol Testing (pg.12), Standard IX: Census and Caseloads (pg.10), and Standard X: Monitoring and Evaluation (pg.12) No other federal funding sources are utilized to support VTC. The Judiciary’s VTC is currently funded under an FY2018 Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program, # 2018-VC-BX-0027, expiring 12/31/2022. The following are also active drug court grants: FY2020 OJJDP Juvenile Drug Treatment Court, Award 2020-DC-BX-0032; FY2020 SAMHSA Adult Drug Court Enhancement, Award 1H79TI082971; FY2018 SAMHSA Family Drug Court, Award 1H79TI080836; and FY2018 Veterans Treatment Court, Award 2018-VC-BX-0027.