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FY23 DNA Backlog (Formula) Award No. 15PBJA-23-GG-01343-DNAX modified via GAM-588523 and GAM-586314 to add “Personnel” and “Fringe Benefit” for (1) DNA Forensic Scientist.

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Awardee County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2023, $396,006)

To address the critical need and increased demand to process DNA casework, and as Grantee of Award No. 15PBJA-23-GG-01343-DNAX, the Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory (CCRFSL) seeks Federal approval of a “Change in Scope” via Grant Award Modification (GAM) Number Two (No. 2), respectively referenced as GAM-588523. 

The submittal of GAM No. 2 proposes to reallocate award funds from the “Supplies” budget category to the “Personnel” and “Fringe Benefits” budget categories to specifically fund one (1) Forensic Scientist staff position to increase DNA casework production and capacity.  GAM No.2 will in turn reduce the backlog of DNA casework, and as such, will continue to meet the Goals and Objectives under this Award.

It remains critical to build DNA casework capacity and reduce the backlog caused by the increased violence and the surge in overdose decedents in the region while benefitting law enforcement’s prosecution of crime and increasing the safety for the citizens the CCRFSL serves.  The constant influx of gun violence and other crimes translates into a constant flow of new evidence submitted to the laboratory and ever-increasing demand for forensic testing by the Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory which requires adequate resources for the DNA Unit to handle the demand.  During the six months from January 1, 2023, through June 30, 2023, the DNA unit received 208 additional cases for analysis as compared to the same period last year. In 2022 the unit received 571 DNA cases during the first six months and the number of cases received for the same period in 2023 increased to 779.  Based on the matrix of requests for DNA analysis submitted to the CCRFSL, the DNA laboratory is facing challenges to keep up with the increased volume of physical evidence.

As the recipient of the FY22 DNA Backlog (Formula) Award 15PBJA-22-GG-01704-DNAX, Cuyahoga County received approval under GAM-579482 for the hiring and onboarding of one (1) new Forensic Scientist 1 (FS1) staff who is 100% funded under the FY22 Award for the duration of the award’s period of performance through September 30, 2024. 

This GAM No. 2 proposes to continue grant funding of the CCRFSL DNA Laboratory FS1 staff position as 100% funded for the period beginning October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025, under the following FY23 DNA Backlog (Formula) Award 15PBJA-23-GG-01343-DNAX items of cost: “Personnel” allocation is $67,772 and “Fringe Benefit” allocation is $31,481.  The Forensic Scientist 1 (FS1) staff position will complete the required screening of evidence for serological analysis and swab evidence for DNA analysis. The continuance of funding of the FS1 staff position will buffer and address significant bottlenecks and the increased backlog of sexual assault cases, specifically for their serological analysis. The referenced increases in DNA submissions by law enforcement agencies and the subsequent impact on the DNA Laboratory have created the timely and critical need for funding longevity to maintain award performance expectations and retain the trained and qualified FS1 staff.  For reference, Federal approval of GAM No. 2 (GAM-588523) “Scope Change” aligns with the submitted GAM No. 1 (GAM-586314) “Programmatic Budget Modification” request for approval as submitted under Award No. 15PBJA-23-GG-01343-DNAX.

The FY23 DNA Backlog (Formula) Award No. 15PBJA-23-GG-01343-DNAX has been modified via GAM-588523 and GAM-586314 that adds “Personnel” and “Fringe Benefit” items of cost to onboard one (1) Forensic Scientist staff to the Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory DNA Unit.

Date Created: September 8, 2023