Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2023, $900,000)
Alvis proposes to provide pre- and post-release services for adults incarcerated in the Franklin County (Ohio) Correction Centers as they prepare to return to Franklin County. This new voluntary program, Out4Work, will serve participants who are within one year of release to Franklin County and interested in obtaining workforce development skills. The overall goal is to reduce recidivism, promote reentry success, and enhance employment and economic mobility prospects for incarcerated adults reentering the workforce. Ninety participants will be served.
Pre-release activities include assessment and enrollment into the Out4Work program. A Facilitator/Case Manager will teach the evidence-based Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention/Employment (CBI-E) curriculum designed by the University of Cincinnati for up to 15 participants in a cohort. Six cohorts will complete the 15-week training that focuses on employment, reentry, and employment skills. Prior to release, participants will be introduced to their certified Peer Supporter who will guide them through the next 12 months after release. They will also be supported by their Facilitator/Case Manager and have access to services at an Alvis Reentry Center including a computer lab for job search and online certifications, a GED program, assistance with applying for benefits or financial aid and monthly Engagement Groups.
The goal is to increase the employment, retention, and earning potential of adult men and women released from the Franklin County Correction Centers. The objectives are: 1) Develop an action plan for Out4Work; 2) 90 job-seeking incarcerated adults will be served; 3) 60% of all participants will successfully complete CBI-E training sessions; 4) 50% of participants will obtain an industry-recognized credential; 5) 60% of participants will receive post-release services; 6) 65% of participants who successfully complete CBI-E training will obtain employment within 90 days of release, or enroll in a training or education program; 7) 60% of participants who successfully complete CBI-E training will not be reincarcerated in FCCC within one year of release; and 8) Alvis will submit all required reports to BJA in a timely manner, and attend all required meetings.