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Axon Fleet Cameras for Police Department Cruisers

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Awardee County
Pinellas County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2023, $44,284)

The Clearwater Police Department, servicing the limits of the City of Clearwater, Florida, proposes to continue the implementation of installing Axon Fleet video cameras in police cruisers. In conjunction with the agency's strategic plan, the agency has been incrementally outfitting all police cruisers with in-car video cameras with the Axon Fleet cameras. The purpose of the program is to assist officers in evidence collection (i.e. DUI investigations) and to supplement the body-worn camera program. The intended beneficiaries are both patrol officers and citizens living or visiting the city of Clearwater. The expected outcome of the program is to continue to add an additional layer of transparency of police operations as this is vital to ensuring the public is aware of the complexities of the law enforcement profession and of the true nature of officer interactions with the public. The agency typically purchases and installs 15 cameras per year. Project activities would include coordinating with Axon to purchase and install an additional 15 cameras (30 total) the year awarded funds are received, doubling the number of cameras of a typical year and thus expediting the program. A subrecipient activity includes providing training assistance for field training officers and their recruit officers and the ability to view and critique field activities.

Date Created: September 26, 2023