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LCCL Community Reentry Incubator Initiative

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2023, $4,000,000)

The Latino Coalition for Community Leadership (LCCL) was formed in 2003 as an intermediary specifically focused on Finding, Funding, Forming and Featuring grassroots and non-profit organizations in marginalized communities meeting the needs of individuals and families. The LCCL advances deeper cross-sectorial collaborations and equity in grant making by providing sub-awards to Latino and Black led and serving organizations. The project design will concentrate on providing capacity-building, training, and technical assistance to small community and faith-based organizations in both rural and urban communities throughout the United States. The LCCL will select Community Partners (sub-grantees) to focus on organizational growth and reentry-focused evidenced-based practices to increase sustainability and stability. Outcomes will focus on increasing the capacity of 20 community organizations through an organizational assessment that measures organizational growth along 4 distinct stages. The LCCL employs robust strategies in designing and implementing technical assistance, capacity building, and support as well as performance management and monitoring practices for reentry programs. The strategies include three primary approaches: individualized CFBO capacity building assessments, technical assistance and training (in person, live webinars, recorded videos) and reentry ecosystem development strategies. The subaward procurement process will prioritize CFBOs that are either in urban or rural communities, but with less than 10 full-time paid staff and/or organizational budgets of less than $500,000. This criteria strengthens communities by focusing on reentry CFBOs that can best benefit from TA, subawards and oversight to improve their organizational development, program and financial management as well as their outcomes related to recidivism. Additionally, the criteria focus on leadership staff with lived and/or shared experiences with the criminal justice system and the community they serve. This elevates the voices of those best positioned to educate policymakers on reentry and community challenges, needs as well as their strengths and assets. The LCCL is a culturally-specific organization and will receive 30% of the requested award. In addition, the LCCL will commit to subgranting a minimum of 60% to Community Partners that are led by and focused on Black, Latino and/or Native American communities.

Date Created: September 28, 2023