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Rapid DNA System Pilot Program for Investigations

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Awardee County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $1,000,000)

There is a delay in time and the potential to miss or duplicate the collection, processing, enrollment, and search of qualifying arrestee DNA samples against unsolved crimes in the CODIS DNA database. Additionally, due to the success and subsequent increased demand supporting DNA evidence, timely DNA evidence processing, particularly for more common and less violent crime types.  These delays can result in slower or missed suspect identification; longer, inefficient or missed investigative leads, lower solve rates, and compromise public safety.  The Faulkner County Sheriff's Office proposes to implement Rapid DNA Booking and investigative leads programs in partnership with the Arkansas State Crime Lab, State of Arkansas CODIS Agency to automate the testing process for low-complexity qualifying Arrestee DNA Samples, single source evidence, and reference samples to improve sample collection compliance, help generate timely investigative leads, eliminate and identify suspects, avoid unnecessary arrests, help make swift identifications of unidentified human remains and eliminate the arrestee confirmation process.  Implementing Rapid DNA will improve investigative and operational efficiencies and outcomes for law enforcement and the forensic crime laboratory.  Additionally, community relationships shall improve when potential suspects are quickly eliminated and identified while the arrestee is still in custody by forensic science methods that minimize the potential for racial and other socio-economic biases.  All of these benefits serve public safety and create safer communities.  
Project activities include implementing policies and procedures that adhere to Standards for the Operation of Rapid DNA Booking Systems by Law Enforcement Booking Agencies and Non-CODIS Rapid DNA Considerations and Best Practices for Law Enforcement Use; purchase and installation of the Rapid DNA Systems; integration of the Rapid DNA information to a dedicated, secure criminal justice information network; end-to-end integration testing, personnel training; and program management / coordination with supporting and participating agencies to utilize the system.  Expected outcomes include ensuring all qualifying arrestee DNA is enrolled and searched, faster suspect identification, enhanced investigative leads and operational efficiency, strengthened criminal justice outcomes, and longer-term tax dollar savings.  Additionally, implementing the Rapid DNA programs will help ease some of the burden on the laboratory allowing them to focus on the more complex operational and casework demands.  All of which will benefit the residents of Faulkner County, the surrounding region, and ultimately all residents of Arkansas and in some instances outside the state (hits to unsolved cases at the national DNA database level).

Date Created: August 15, 2024