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Southside Center for Violence Prevention

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $949,000)

The regional domestic violence/sexual assault organization, Southside Center for Violence Prevention dba Madeline's House, closed November, 2022.  This closing left a huge void in the regional service delivery system.  STEPS is the designated regional community action agency and homeless services provider serving the counties of Amelia, Buckingham, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward.  Local governments have requested that STEPS consider providing the domestic violence/sexual assault services no longer locally accessible to our region's citizens.  It is STEPS intent to provide comprehensive services to those who have experienced sexual and domestic violence, such as crisis intervention and counseling, advocacy and accompaniment, resources and referrals, education, and short-term emergency shelter.  STEPS is receiving calls for help that currently are being redirected to a statewide entity for victim assistance at shelters well outside this region.  Without local coordinated services, regional citizens are put in a very difficult position of trying to rebuild their lives in an area where they have no connections.  Some of these difficulties could lead to victims choosing to remain in situations where they are in grave and continuing danger.  It is STEPS intent to use the funding provided in the Byrne Discretionary fund as selected through the Congressional Directed Spending Application to secure the operations of a 24/hour, 365 sexual assault/domestic violence shelter in addition to the creation of comprehensive programming for our region. There are no subrecipient activities anticipated in this application. 

Local resources are desperately needed to provide comprehensive services to victims in our region.

Date Created: August 15, 2024