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Coos County Records Reduction and Accessibility Project

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Awardee County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $552,000)

Over the years, The Coos County Sheriff’s Office and the Coos County District Attorney’s Office have been amassing a large amount of records in paper format.  The records are maintained as a matter of public record.  For these agencies, many of these records must be kept for a long, or even an indefinite amount of time.  Between these agencies, there are about 1100 boxes of paperwork to be scanned which represents hundreds of thousands of articles of paper and information.

This project will allow the Coos County Sheriff’s Office and Coos County District Attorney’s Office to digitize the paper records into a digital format.  This project will increase accessibility of the public to these records by storing them in a manner which is easily searchable and crisp in the way that only digital records can be.  This project will increase the efficiency of staff in serving the public through the utility of easily being able to locate information. 

Further this project will allow county agencies to sustain the project into the future by purchasing equipment which will allow staff to efficiently upload records as they come into the agencies into the database.  The days of hand searching for documents and information will come to an end for the citizens and employees of the Coos County Sheriff’s Office and Coos County District Attorney’s Office.

Date Created: August 15, 2024