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Maine's Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Awardee County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $156,053)

Maine’s RSAT Program aims to break the cycle of drugs and violence by reducing the demand for, use of, and trafficking of illegal drugs among the state and local prison population. The RSAT Project is designed to serve both incarcerated inmates and jail-based treatment programs. To achieve this objective, the Maine Department of Public Safety (DPS) will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to award funding for either a residential prison or jail-based program. Eligible applicants include the Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC) and Maine County Jail facilities that offer substance abuse treatment services.

The subgrantee selected for funding will be required to meet the requirements established by the BJA Solicitation, including a description of how urinalysis and other reliable forms of drug and alcohol testing for program participants will be conducted; an explanation of how the applicant will coordinate the design and implementation of treatment programs between state correctional representatives and the state alcohol and drug abuse agency, or between local correctional agencies and appropriate state or local alcohol and drug abuse agencies; a brief description of the effectiveness and science-based nature of existing treatment services or practices; an explanation of how the program will address opioid abuse reduction treatment and services; a description of how the applicant will ensure that offenders who participate in the RSAT program will be provided with community reintegration services; a plan for ensuring that providers furnishing reintegration services are approved by the appropriate state or local agency and licensed, if necessary, to provide medical or other health services; and an explanation of how the state will coordinate RSAT’s design and implementation at both the state and local levels and how it will coordinate federal assistance for substance abuse treatment and reintegration services provided by the OBH.

The Maine DPS, as the State Administrative Agency (SAA), will provide oversight for the programmatic and fiscal grant operations of each subgrantee.

Date Created: September 18, 2024