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FY24 PSN Southern District of Georgia

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $95,077)

The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC), the State Administering Agency for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, will serve as the fiscal agent for the Southern District of Georgia's United States Attorney's Office (USAO) for Fiscal Year 2024 Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) Program. CJCC will use PSN funds to reduce violent crime throughout the Southern District with special emphasis placed in three populous cities within the Southern District of Georgia, which are Savannah, Brunswick, and Augusta.
Each of these cities experienced increased criminal activity in past years as well as an increase in crime rate. The PSN task force for the Southern District of Georgia (SDGA) has members in each target area comprised of federal, state, and local law enforcement partners. The task force will use available crime data, methods, and technology to identify offenders driving violent crime rates to investigate, prosecute, and prevent violent crime. The SDGA intends to use law enforcement intelligence, criminal history information, crime data statistics, violent crime incident data, gun crime data, gun confiscation data, 911 calls, and incident reports to identify locations within these target cities experiencing violent crime. 
It is the intention that grant funds will be used by law enforcement to make significant reductions in the number of violent offenses carried out by repeat violent offenders by increasing the prosecution of those offenders while also implementing a targeted effort to prevent further violence by youth and adult offenders. A portion of grant funds, 30 percent, will be used to fund the efforts of local gang task force efforts who support PSN initiatives throughout the Southern District.

Date Created: September 27, 2024