Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $2,076,840)
The Executive Office of the State of Kansas, Kansas Governor’s Grants Program (KGGP), will administer the Federal Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program formula grant award in Kansas to assist state and local units of government and tribes in supporting a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime and improve public safety based on state and local needs and conditions. The Kansas Legislature established the Kansas Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (KCJCC), which oversees criminal justice issues in the State. The KCJCC includes the Governor or designee, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or designee, the Attorney General or designee, the Secretary of Corrections, the Superintendent of the Highway Patrol, and the Director of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.
The KCJCC prioritizes the purpose areas for JAG funding and determines grant awards. In July 2024, the KCJCC formally adopted the Kansas Statewide Strategic Plan (five-year plan) to address strategies and approaches to prevent and control violent and drug-related crimes. The JAG Program will assist the State in implementing and enhancing its efforts to address the following priorities identified by the KCJCC: 1) Comprehensive response to mental health; 2) Comprehensive response to substance use (opioids/methamphetamine/other drugs) disorders; and 3) Intimate partner violence and crimes against children. Federal JAG funds are intended to support the following purpose areas: (1) law enforcement programs; (2) prosecution and court programs, including indigent defense; (3) prevention and education programs; (4) corrections and community corrections programs; (5) drug treatment and enforcement programs; (6) planning, evaluation and technology improvement programs; (7) crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation); (8) mental health programs and related law enforcement and corrections programs; and (9) implementation of state crisis intervention court proceedings and related programs or initiatives.