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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Washington State Justice Assistance Grant Program FFY 2024

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Awardee County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $3,467,946)

The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program is designed to improve the outcomes of the criminal legal system in Washington, thus increasing community safety in communities across the state. As the State Administering Agency, Commerce has an opportunity to facilitate coordinated community safety responses across jurisdictions, leverage funding and maximize impact.  Washington will dedicate JAG funds to initiatives with actual, or potential, statewide applicability.  In 2023, Washington completed a robust strategic planning process, finalizing a new JAG Strategic Plan to guide program implementation. The strategic plan will be reviewed on a biannual basis and outlines strategic use of JAG funds.  In 2024, Funds will support an ongoing JAG Innovation Fund focused on new and innovative projects across JAG Purpose Areas, as well as a JAG Priority Area solicitation, supporting criminal justice improvement efforts and priorities outlined in Washington’s JAG Strategic Plan.  Sub-award activities will represent a range of purpose driven and data informed projects within all JAG purpose areas.  A larger portion of Sub award activities will be focused on Washington’s JAG Priority areas – Planning, Evaluation and Technology Improvement, Crime Victim Programming, Support and Advocacy, and Community Safety Enhancement and Law Enforcement Programs Support.  With implementation of the new Strategic Plan and WA priorities, the JAG program will diversify funding and projects, use data to inform program improvements and increase statewide impact.

Date Created: November 4, 2024