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Sex Offender and Registration Notification Act (SORNA) FY2024

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Awardee County
New Hampshire
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $61,097)

The New Hampshire State Police (NHSP), Sex Offender Registry (SOR) Unit is working towards a method that allows for the Unit to receive offender information electronically.  The current process is tremendously time consuming for both local law enforcement and the SOR Unit, slowed by a multi-step process, including transportation and mailing of paperwork, emailing to clarify and confirm the data, and any requests for additional information.  


The SOR Unit is expected to process all new offender information within a deadline of three days, as required by FBI’s Adam Walsh Act.  The current process hinders maintaining timely and consistent input of information.  The continued development of a web-based portal connected to the Sex Offender Registry database will allow for local jurisdictions to access and utilize when an offender arrives at the police department for registration with information captured electronically, and immediately submitted to the Unit for approval.  This will allow the registry to receive and update all the information to the public website within the allotted Federal timeframe, as required by law.


To accomplish this project, the SOR commander will be working directly with all members of the test group; made up of local law enforcement officers on a weekly basis, or as needed.  This working group can remain flexible and add additional local-level members as needed.  The objectives will include making ensuring the goals of the new database are met, and that the “real time” secure data transfers are effective for all jurisdictions.


The New Hampshire SORNA working group, comprised of many stakeholders, will allow these agencies a feeling of ownership in regard to the specific requirements for each offender they are responsible to input.  Additionally, Sergeant Richard Perreault of the NH SOR Unit and the U.S. Marshal’s Office will continue to work in collaboration to identify and track non-compliant offenders throughout the state of New Hampshire and the United States.  


NH State Police Troopers will continue to be assigned overtime in order to review non-complaint offenders and to confirm information received from the local jurisdictions in order to assist with proper set up and maintenance of the new database.  The NH State Police Troopers will be working in the field independently while maintain a working relationship with local jurisdictions. 


The ultimate goal of utilizing this funding is to bring New Hampshire into full compliance with SORNA requirements.

Date Created: November 8, 2024