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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

FY 2024 ICSO JAG Grant

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Awardee County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $13,362)

The Imperial County Sheriff’s Office (ICSO), is seeking to purchase Conducted Energy Device (Taser 7) and Nightstick tactical weapon-mounted lights for the protection of life in fieldwork with JAG funds. The field of law enforcement currently faces various challenges and public expectations like never before.  By providing the requested equipment, we will ensure that Imperial County meets those challenges.  Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs), are currently carried by our Deputies, and provide a less-than-lethal force option when dealing with non-compliant individuals. The tactical weapon-mounted lights allow Deputies to operate their weapon and light with one hand. These lights are used in low light to aid in target identification. JAG funding affords the department the ability to maintain the appropriate equipment to protect life.  Additionally, the proposed equipment will increase safety and efficiency in our fieldwork, which will in turn reduce the probability of a death by use of less lethal force by supplying an alternate means for the entire area of Imperial County.

The Imperial County area is very large and the ICSO is the primary responsible agency to provide law enforcement services within the County. ICSO will provide a more efficient service to the overall County by receiving the requested equipment listed in this grant application. The receipt of these funds will be used to purchase equipment that will be utilized, as a law enforcement tool that will enable Deputy Sheriff’s to provide the quality of service necessary to decrease our crime throughout Imperial County.

Date Created: December 4, 2024