Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $34,791)
The Faulkner County Sheriff’s Office represents approximately 127,000 residents and covers 664 square miles, with focus on the unincorporated areas. Over the last several years the number of violent crimes as well as homicides has been on the rise for Faulkner County and the cities within. There has also been a major escalation in the number of drug related deaths, gang activity, and property crimes. Faulkner County Sheriff’s Office has also seen a spike in the number of school violence threats in the last few years when compared to time periods prior. FCSO has taken an active role in partnering with other local agencies, federal agencies, and state agencies to combat these issues. FCSO has initiated new narcotics officer programs, school safety programs, and formed stronger bonds with the tactical teams of neighboring jurisdictions. FCSO is leading the way in the fight to provide a safer area to live for the citizens of this county and any nearby counties. It should be noted that right in the middle of Faulkner County runs Interstate 40, a main thoroughfare for trafficking narcotics as well as people. Many of the current issues plaguing the country also plague Faulkner County. Luckily, FCSO has taken an active role in fighting these problems with proactive policing as well as community oriented policing. With FCSO taking an active role in the fight against these problems, and being located on a busy section of I-40, the entire country could stand to benefit from the reduction in multi-jurisdictional crime.
The objective of grant activities (purchase of equipment) is to ensure that deputies have the equipment necessary to protect both themselves and the public. JAG Grant Program purchases have allowed the Faulkner County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) to become better equipped, more standardized, and centralized. The current purchases proposed by FCSO will equip deputies with updated equipment necessary to continue the fight against opioids and other narcotics, violent criminals, and further prepare for any active shooter events locally and with other jurisdictions. FCSO would further use this equipment to provide a better work environment for deputies, which would help to ensure recruitment, retention, and longevity.