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Purchase of equipment, including Conducted Energy Devices, and Firearms Training Simulator Package, which includes but is not limited to computers, projectors, cameras, targets, and mock weapons.

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Awardee County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $61,957)

The City of Murfreesboro Police Department (MPD) in collaboration with the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office (RCSO) through an Interlocal Agreement will equally divide $61,957 in FY 2024 JAG Funds to be used towards the purchase of Law Enforcement General and Tactical Equipment with a goal towards better equipping officers to perform their daily duties in order to provide efficient service to their citizens. The Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office will utilize $30,978.50 (50% funding) to purchase a state-of-the-art to purchase a firearms training simulator to enhance its overall training program. MPD will utilize $30,978.50 (50% of funding) towards the purchase of conducted energy devices (CED) in an effort to provide more less lethal options for officers. CED’s are shown to significantly reduce injuries to suspects and decrease injuries to officers, especially during highly volatile and combative situations while deploying the use of CED’s in line with accepted national guidelines. The purchase aligns with following BJA project identifiers: Equipment-General, Less than Lethal, Officer Safety.

Date Created: December 5, 2024