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Stark County Sheriff's Office & City of Canton BJA FY24 Byrne JAG

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Awardee County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $96,455)

The disparate jurisdictions of the Stark County Sheriff’s Office and Canton Police Department will use JAG funds for equipment. Specifically, the Stark County Sheriff's Office will use the JAG funds to support the Stark County Violent Crime Reduction Task Force with the purchase of a sentry towable trailer with mounted solar panels, battery and 5G router to include an LPR camera and an outdoor multidirectional camera with required support and licensing in the bundle to augment the boots on the ground violent intervention patrols (VIP) to reduce violent crime.  

The City of Canton Police Department will use JAG funds for the purchase of equipment for several areas of the police department to ensure that we are providing the community and officers the quality of services that are expected from us. These funds will be used to purchase a K9, replace old BWC batteries, broken keyboards and docking stations, two new bicycles for community involvement, two less lethal pepper ball launchers, and two new ballistic shields.  Upgrading and/or replacing these items will allow for our department to provide the necessary equipment for our officers to properly complete their duties.

Date Created: December 5, 2024