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Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative - Oakland County

Award Information

Award #
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2006, $450,000)

The Prisoner Reentry Initiative (PRI) is designed to provide funding to state units of government to develop and implement institutional and community corrections-based offender reentry programs. The PRI strengthens urban communities characterized by large numbers of returning, nonviolent prisoners. PRI is designed to reduce recidivism by helping returning inmates find work and assess other critical services in their communities. The PRI supports strategies to deliver pre-release assessments and services, and to develop transition plans in collaboration with other justice and community-based agencies and providers for supervised and non-supervised, nonviolent offenders.

The Michigan Department of Corrections will support the implementation of the Oakland County Pilot Site of the Michigan Prison Reentry Initiative (MPRI). The mission of the MPRI is to reduce crime by implementing a seamless plan of services and supervision developed with each offender and delivered through state and local collaboration from the time of their entry to prison through their transition, reintegration, and aftercare in the community. The pilot site project will have four distinct, but interrelated components: 1) prisoner assessment and planning; 2) pre-release services for prisoners; 3) prison in-reach and transition planning for prisoners; and 4) post-release supervision and services for former prisoners. Implementation and outcome evaluations will be conducted. Key outcomes include reducing recidivism, increasing time between release and failure, and reducing the number of violations of supervision conditions by parolees.


Date Created: August 3, 2006