Under this award, the city of Fort Worth will further develop and operate a victim centered human trafficking task force in conjunction with the U. S. Attorney's Office, Federal law enforcement, and their Office for Victims of Crime Human Trafficking Services provider to identify and rescue victims of human trafficking and to proactively investigate human trafficking and prosecute traffickers. The primary goal of this program is to identify and rescue foreign victims of trafficking through a victim centered, proactive investigation strategy. The secondary goal is the interdiction of trafficking and the successful prosecution of traffickers.
The city of Fort Worth, through the police department, will utilize the Human Trafficking Intiative supplemental funding to meet the following goals: empower local law enforcement to better identify and rescue victims of human trafficking; interdict human trafficking in its various forms, whether it is forced prostitution, indentured servitude, peonage, or other forms of forced labor; and increase public awareness of human trafficking through education, training, and public awareness campaigns. All activities will be accomplished in coordination and collaboration with Mosaic Family Services, Inc. and the U.S. Attorney's Office as well as participating NTATT members.