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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Anti-Gang Initiative--2007

Award Information

Award #
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)
Original Solicitation

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2007, $180,032)

The Anti-Gang Initiative provides funds to support new or expanded anti-gang enforcement and prevention efforts under the existing Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) Initiative. These new funds may be used by the PSN task force to combat gangs by leveraging current strategies and partnerships developed under PSN initiatives or may be used to develop new anti-gang initiatives. The Anti-Gang initiative will be led by the United States Attorney in each of the 94 federal judicial districts across America. Grant funds will be awarded to a single fiscal agent in each of the 94 districts. The fiscal agent, in coordination with the PSN task force, will allocate the funds throughout the community to support the anti-gang initiative in that community.

The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government serves as the fiscal agent for the Eastern District of Kentucky's 2007 Fiscal Year (FY) Anti-Gang Initiative. The District's gang problems are seen throughout Fayette County including drug trafficking, money laundering, production of documents for illegal aliens, gambling houses, car thefts, street robberies, assaults, and various firearm-related offenses. To address these gang concerns, the District will utilize their grant funds to: 1) provide gang-related training to local and state law enforcement officers; 2) pay overtime to local and state law enforcement agencies conducting gang-related criminal investigations; 3) purchase digital cameras, computers, video cameras, tape recorders, and cellular telephones to assist local and state law enforcement in conducting successful investigations of gang activity; 4) continue implementing the successful graffiti scrub crew in Fayette County; and 5) support gang-related public service announcements aimed at youth and gang prevention activities, such as becoming involved in the Legends Boxing Program.


Date Created: September 4, 2007