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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

FY 2011 Collaborative Promising Practices Project

Award Information

Award #
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Original Solicitation

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2011, $500,000)

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) will continue to provide tribal and state jurisdictions with assistance to develop effective and sustainable collaborations across tribal, state and federal jurisdictions, and enhance the capacity of tribal justice systems. TLPI will continue to transform the current www.WalkingOnCommonGround.org website into an ongoing permanent comprehensive resource highlighting tribal/state collaboration promising practices and providing resource toolkits to assist those wishing to replicate them; build upon previous efforts to identify tribal/state court forum promising practices, identify specific Public Law 280 promising practices, and then publicize these promising practices and how to replicate them through both hard copy and Internet resources; provide improved/increased curriculum development/training specifically designed to meet the unique needs of tribal and criminal justice practitioners; and expand the textbooks and resources available through TLPI's Tribal Legal Studies program and expand effective dissemination activities.


Date Created: September 6, 2011