The Regional Information Sharing System (RISS) Program offers a variety of services and support to law enforcement agencies to include automated, centralized law enforcement databases with nationwide connectivity using internet technologies, intelligence analysis, bulletins and publications, surveillance equipment loans, confidential funds, long-distance call patching, and law enforcement and officer safety training.
The Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) will continue to provide information technology support, coordination, and support services to the six Regional Information Sharing Systems® (RISS) Intelligence Centers: Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network (MAGLOCLEN), Rocky Mountain Information Network (RMIN), Western States Information Network (WSIN), Regional Organized Crime Information Center (ROCIC), New England State Police Information Network (NESPIN), and the Mid-States Organized Crime Information Center (MOCIC). The goals of this project are to develop, maintain, enhance, and upgrade the RISS secure intranet, known as RISSNET', and to upgrade the RISS communications infrastructure. IIR will support the RISS Chief Executive Officer, the RISS Office of Information Technology, the RISS intelligence databases, the RISS Automated Trusted Information Exchange' (ATIX), and the RISSGang' Programs. The project will continue ongoing partnerships with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Law Enforcement Online, the National Virtual Pointer System, and NLETS'The International Justice and Public Safety Network.