Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2010, $240,000)
The Congressionally Recommended Awards Program, authorized by the Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2010 (Pub. L. 111-117), helps improve the functioning of the criminal justice system, prevent or combat juvenile delinquency, and/or assist victims of crime (other than compensation). Funds should be used for the projects recommended by Congress, in the amounts specified in the joint explanatory statement incorporated by reference into Pub. L. 111-117, and generally consistent with one or more of the following statutory purposes: improving the functioning of the criminal justice system, preventing or combating juvenile delinquency, or assisting victims of crime (other than compensation). Each of these purposes is framed using language drawn, respectively, from the former Byrne discretionary statute, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, the Victims of Crime Act, and the Violence Against Women Act. This project is authorized and funded through a line item in the FY 2010 Congressional Budget and by the joint explanatory statement that is incorporated by reference into the FY2010 Department of Justice Appropriations Act.
PAX Inc., a national 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1998 to bring new, effective solutions to the problem of youth violence in America, will use the grant funds to expand youth access to the SPEAK UP hotline and awareness campaign. The SPEAK UP program features a national hotline (1-866-SPEAK-UP) for students to anonymously report weapon-related threats in their schools and communities. The hotline is complemented by a highly acclaimed social marketing campaign that includes public service advertising and a variety of collateral materials. PAX's goals for this project are to: increase awareness of the SPEAK UP Campaign, including creating a youth friendly website, producing new mass awareness materials and public service announcements, developing an in-school awareness program, and launching the campaign in three large, high need communities; optimize hotline technology, which includes developing an integrated online reporting system for call center use as well as creating online and text message reporting platforms for youth access; and measure and track national program impact, through conducting baseline and follow-up national survey research of youth to gauge attitudes and behaviors around weapons and violence and measure awareness of SPEAK UP. NCA/NCF
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