Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2010, $300,000)
The Congressionally Recommended Awards Program, authorized by the Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2010 (Pub. L. 111-117), helps improve the functioning of the criminal justice system, prevent or combat juvenile delinquency, and/or assist victims of crime (other than compensation). Funds should be used for the projects recommended by Congress, in the amounts specified in the joint explanatory statement incorporated by reference into Pub. L. 111-117, and generally consistent with one or more of the following statutory purposes: improving the functioning of the criminal justice system, preventing or combating juvenile delinquency, or assisting victims of crime (other than compensation). Each of these purposes is framed using language drawn, respectively, from the former Byrne discretionary statute, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, the Victims of Crime Act, and the Violence Against Women Act. This project is authorized and funded through a line item in the FY 2010 Congressional Budget and by the joint explanatory statement that is incorporated by reference into the FY2010 Department of Justice Appropriations Act.
The United Way for Southeastern Michigan will use funds for a reentry project to improve the employment outcomes and reintegration success of former prisoners returning to a targeted Detroit neighborhood. The project will build upon existing partnerships among the Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative (MPRI) transition team, service providers, faith-based institutions, Michigan Department of Corrections staff, local foundations, and local law enforcement. Collectively, stakeholders have identified five community impact areas: housing, employment, training assistance, safety, and improved quality of life for children and youth. These areas have been the focus of much planning, funding commitments, and community engagement. This project will allow a directed focus toward achieving these mutual community outcomes to be placed on former prisoners. This project will consist of employment-centered programming that incorporates job readiness training, cognitive restructuring, mentoring, housing assistance, and other necessary reintegration services. Prerelease assessments, transition planning, work readiness assessments, and other interventions proven effective in reducing recidivism will begin prior to release and will continue upon the participant's release. Transition Accountability Plans (TAP) will be based on a dynamic risk and needs assessment (COMPAS) of each offender, and services will be prioritized based on criminogenic needs.