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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

A Better Equipped Police Force - a Safer Community

Award Information

Award #
Awardee County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2010, $39,343)

The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG) allows states and units of local government, including tribes, to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime based on their own state and local needs and conditions. Grant funds can be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, and information systems for criminal justice, including for any one or more of the following purpose areas: 1) law enforcement programs; 2) prosecution and court programs; 3) prevention and education programs; 4) corrections and community corrections programs; 5) drug treatment and enforcement programs; 6) planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs; and 7) crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation).

The city of Somerville will use the FY 2010 JAG funds to support the city of Somerville Police Department with the purchase of equipment and supplies to improve criminal investigation capabilities and increase the safety of officers in the line of duty. The police department anticipates that 95 percent of its criminal justice staff who use the equipment and supplies will report improvement in their job performance and overall program quality as a direct result. The Cobham Surveillance KEL Kit will enable officers in Somerville's busy Narcotics Squad and other squads using undercover operations to listen remotely and monitor their undercover officers' safety. The Department does not presently have a KEL Kit. At minimum, the KEL Kit will be used on a weekly basis on more than 100 operations per year. In the process, it will substantially improve the Somerville Police Department's ability to utilize its undercover capabilities and plan safe, efficient, and effective operations. The First Choice Armor Level IIIA F-27 Ballistics Helmets and First Choice Armor Riot Face Shields will ensure that every active duty police personnel will have the safety equipment needed to protect city residents and their property. It will also ensure that all officers have their own helmets for use during firearms training.


Date Created: August 31, 2010