The Regional Information Sharing System (RISS) Program offers a variety of services and support to law enforcement agencies to include automated, centralized law enforcement databases with nationwide connectivity using internet technologies, intelligence analysis, bulletins and publications, surveillance equipment loans, confidential funds, long-distance call patching, and law enforcement and officer safety training.
The Massachusetts State Police serves as the fiduciary agent for the New England State Police Information Network (NESPIN). NESPIN supports the New England Region which includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, as well as Canadian participation. NESPIN is one of the six regional intelligence centers that operate a secure nationwide communication and information sharing network called RISSNET. NESPIN provides intelligence information sharing, criminal intelligence analysis, computer forensics, confidential funding, equipment loans, and training services for law enforcement agencies. NESPIN also facilitates the exchange of multi-jurisdictional information on major criminal activity in New England including gang activity, terrorism activity, organized crime, narcotics trafficking, human trafficking, and violent crime. NCA/CF