The Regional Information Sharing System (RISS) Program offers a variety of services and support to law enforcement agencies to include automated, centralized law enforcement databases with nationwide connectivity using internet technologies, intelligence analysis, bulletins and publications, surveillance equipment loans, confidential funds, long-distance call patching, and law enforcement and officer safety training.
Since being established in 1981, the Western States Information Network (WSIN) has provided its participating agencies with critical information sharing and investigative support services. In many cases, these are services that law enforcement would not otherwise receive. WSIN serves more than 1,400 law enforcement agencies in its multi-state region, which includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington. This award continues the ongoing programs and services offered by WSIN to its participating agencies, including information sharing, technology support and services, telecommunications, analytical support, equipment loans, research, field service support, confidential funds, training, publications, and officer safety. NCA/CF