Under this award, The Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) will provide a comprehensive array of training and technical assistance (TTA) to assistance to recipients of BJAs Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) grant program. The recipient has demonstrated expertise in: assisting corrections administrators and substance abuse directors in identifying and defining TTA needs; developing, managing, and relevant subject matter curricula (including web-based platforms and e-learning curricula); and developing cost-effective technical assistance responses, including telephonic, web-based (podcasts, webinars) and in-person consultation as well as publication development and dissemination. Additionally, the recipient will: provide proactive, comprehensive, user-friendly technical assistance services; and develop uniform protocols for the assessment and delivery of technical assistance, as well as tracking, evaluation, and follow-up.
The recipient will also provide a comprehensive array of practical and accessible training and technical assistance to RSAT grantees using evidence-based practices (EBPs) as well as detailing how to report required performances measures. The recipient will provide essential resources to grantees to enhance performance and help solve common problems using a core of experts familiar with EBPs in drug treatment and corrections. The recipient will facilitate the annual RSAT workshop and maintain a national resource center via a dedicated RSAT web site through which grantees can access curricula and tools, learn of TTA events such as webinars and participate in a learning community to share and promote best practices. NCA/NCF