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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Capacity Enhancement of Peacegiving Court

Award Information

Award #
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2015, $490,467)

The FY 2015 Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program (IASAP), competed under the Department of Justice’s Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) through the Justice Systems and Alcohol and Substance Abuse purpose area #3, provides funding and technical assistance to federally recognized tribal governments to plan, implement, or enhance tribal justice strategies that address crime issues related to alcohol and substance abuse.

The purpose of the IASAP is to: prevent and reduce alcohol- and substance abuse-related crimes; identify, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who illegally transport, distribute, and abuse alcohol and controlled substances in Tribal communities; increase coordination with relevant non-Tribal agencies and organizations and among all levels of the Tribe; implement Tribal justice system interventions for substance abusing offenders, including drug courts or co-occurring drug and mental health courts, provision of substance abuse and other treatment in correctional facilities, and provision of treatment, aftercare, and other reentry supportive services to offenders reentering communities from correctional facilities; integrate Tribal, federal, state, and local services and culturally appropriate treatment for offenders and their families; increase the capacity to collect and share justice system data on drug- and alcohol-related offenses; and protect children from alcohol and drug use and/or production. The grant recipient will use the funds to implement an IASAP project.


Date Created: September 15, 2015