The Visiting Fellows Program furthers the Department's mission by bringing talent and expertise from the field to BJA to inform policy and practice and create new tools for the field to disseminate knowledge of effective and innovative approaches to priority criminal justice issues. It is funded under Economic High-Tech and Cyber Crime Prevention, Services for Trafficking Victims, Second Chance Act, Prison Rape Elimination Act, and Swift and Certain Sanctions/Replicating the Concepts Behind Project HOPE.
The Fellow, Derek Jay Marsh, will work in collaboration with BJA and DOJ staff to help provide critical outreach, data, research, and subject-matter expertise to inform the development of new BJA strategies and programs to benefit the field. The Fellow will research, observe, assess and document best practices for proactive labor trafficking investigations, strategic prosecutions and operational partnerships while providing support and recommendations to BJA and anti-human trafficking grantees. The overall goal of the project is to increase the number of labor trafficking investigations, prosecutions and convictions. NCA/NCF