Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2016, $310,589)
The Department of Justice developed a comprehensive and coordinated approach for tribal governments to apply for funding to reduce and prevent crime and victimization. Through this process, the Department's existing tribal government-specific programs are included in, and available through, a single Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS). Through this solicitation, only one application was accepted from each federally recognized tribe to encourage comprehensive assessments of need and planning. Each tribe could apply for funding under up to nine purpose areas, which included funding from the Office of Community Oriented Policing (COPS), Office of Justice Programs (including BJA, Office for Victims of Crime, and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention) and Office on Violence Against Women. The tribe had the flexibility to select the purpose areas whose funding addressed the needs of the tribe as outlined in its tribal and community profile. There were nine purpose areas in total, and purpose area 3 was dedicated to Justice Systems, and Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention.
The Tribal Courts Assistance Program (TCAP) will fund a portion of the projects selected for award through purpose area 3. Tribes were encouraged to apply for funds under one or more of the following goals and objectives to: develop and enhance the operation of Tribal justice systems; train Tribal justice staff; plan new or enhance existing various Tribal courts, such as peacemaking courts, healing to wellness courts, sentencing circles, and other alternative justice courts; and support diversion programs, Tribal probation services, and alternative dispute resolution methods.
The Sisseton Wahpeton Oyateto tribe will use funds to continue expansion of the services of the Tribal Drug Court. Specifically, the tribe will hire one full-time Counselor/Probation officer to conduct drug court eligibility assessments and conduct individual, family, and educational sessions. Funds will also be used to hire a Treatment Court Administrator for the purpose of planning, implementation, and operations of the Court.