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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

BJA COAP Training and Technical Assistance

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2019, $799,775)

Signed into law on July 22, 2016, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) is the first major federal substance use disorder treatment and recovery legislation in 40 years and the most comprehensive effort to address the opioid epidemic. CARA establishes a comprehensive, coordinated, and balanced strategy through enhanced grant programs that expand prevention and education efforts while also promoting treatment and recovery. The purpose of this program is to deliver training and technical assistance (TTA) to state and local criminal justice and substance abuse treatment agencies, prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs), and their partner agencies in sites selected through the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based solicitation. This TTA program is designed to complement the site-based competitive solicitation and to provide targeted customized TTA to existing and future COAP sites. In category 3, the awardee will help support COAP grantees in incorporating peer recovery support as a component of effective programs. BJA seeks to establish a national training and technical assistance center to support peer recovery support partnerships in the criminal justice and child welfare systems.

Altarum Institute is a national non-profit, mission-driven organization dedicated to creating and implementing solutions to improve health among publicly insured and vulnerable populations. Altarum Institute, in partnership with the National Council on Behavioral Health, will assist BJA in supporting COAP grantees, their partners, potential grantees, and others in the field in designing and delivering peer recovery support services (PRSS). PRSS is being used by COAP grantees in the criminal justice system and child welfare systems, in instances when individuals navigating substance use, recovery, and mental health issues can benefit from the support of a peer with lived experience.

Altarum Institute will support COAP grantees in incorporating peer recovery support as a component of effective programs by providing ongoing remote and onsite TTA to site-based COAP grantees interested in incorporating a peer recovery component into their projects. Altarum Institute and its partner will also author at least one publication annually that highlights effective peer recovery support models being used in the criminal justice and child welfare fields, provide subject matter expertise to support the development of a virtual training program, and support up to 15 peer-to-peer exchange visits to the mentor peer recovery sites each year.


Date Created: September 29, 2019