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Adult Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance Initiative

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2019, $5,400,000)

The purpose of the BJA Adult Drug Court and Veterans Treatment Court Planning, Training, Technical Assistance, and Resource Center Initiative (ADC TTA) is to assist states, veterans, tribes, and local justice system officials and treatment professionals to implement evidence-based drug court practices. ADC TTA providers will assist newly established and operational adult drug treatment court programs to: build and maximize capacity; ensure drug court participants are identified and assessed for risk and need; ensure drug court participants receive targeted research-based services; enhance the provision of recovery support services; ensure the provision of community reintegration services to achieve long-term recovery; and collect and report on performance measures and identify and explain trends. In addition, ADC TTA providers will expand TTA services to address priority areas, including rural and tribal communities, partnerships with law enforcement, and addressing the opioid crisis.

The cooperative agreement recipient will, with guidance from BJA, implement site-specific technical assistance (TA) to active BJA-funded implementation and enhancement grantees. The TTA provider will work with the state-based TA provider to ensure maximum coordination in delivering TA at the state and local levels; provide proactive, comprehensive, and user-friendly TA to drug courts; conduct site visits and provide a report back to BJA on each visit; assess drug court fidelity to the drug court ten key components and evidence-based practices; track implementation of TA recommendations; assist grantees in collecting and reporting on their program performance measures, and using data and program performance measures to ensure drug court sustainability and, convene an annual in-service training for TTA staff and consultants. CA/NCF

Date Created: September 29, 2019