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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

FY 19 Data-Led Governing

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Past Project Period End Date
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2019, $7,000,000)

The purpose of the FY 2019 Data-led Governing: Raising the Bar for States' Criminal Justice Policy and Practice Program is to provide training and technical assistance necessary to assist states in the development standards for data collection, sharing, linkage, and analysis, as well as help state leaders and the jurisdictions therein to meet those standards and use the resulting data to make resource, policy, and practice decisions. As states strive to set goals for their criminal justice systems and to measure whether they are achieving intended outcomes, this program aims to produce clear recommendations, tools, and resources to improve data collection, linkage, sharing, and analysis.

Funding under this award will be used to facilitate a collaborative process to establish standards for national criminal justice data and develop widespread support for their adoption and use. This funding will also help provide states with technical assistance to operationalize the standards and promote the creation of an open-source data platform that will automatically standardize, analyze, and report data designed to help policymakers inform their decision making. Funding will also enable technical assistance providers, criminal justice experts, as well as professional and criminal justice associations (project partners) work across three phases to accomplish the following: (1) create a set of data standards to inform budget and policy decisions; (2) develop a website that will house a range of tools to help state policymakers and criminal justice practitioners assess current practices and adopt the standards, including a self-assessment tool, planning guides, policy directives, and other materials; and (3) lead a campaign encouraging states to adopt the new data standards, coordinate and provide technical assistance in at least 10 states, and pilot the use of a data platform that incorporates the new standards in at least 3 states.


Date Created: September 28, 2019