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Kittitas County Second Chance Program

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Past Project Period End Date
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2020, $749,994)

HopeSource will serve 105 individuals incarcerated in the Kittitas County Jail in rural Central Washington. The purpose of the program is to decrease recidivism by providing pre-release and post-release services to eligible applicants. Pre-release, the HopeSource case manager administers assessments including Level of Service/Risk, Need, Responsivity (LS/RNR), Offender Screening Tool (OST), National Re-Entry Resource Center (NRRC), Housing Needs and Risks, and the Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (SPDAT). Post-release. for inmates who remained in Kittitas County and who qualified as eligible under the Second Chance program, the HopeSource case manager was to provide 6-12 months of support for rapid re-housing, family reunification, stability planning for permanent housing, education, employment, and connection to nutrition, transportation, physical and mental health, disability, and substance use providers. Post-release, for inmates whose intent is to return to King, Pierce, or Yakima counties, the HopeSource case manager connects them with resources for follow-up in that county. HopeSource feels strongly that there is incalculable value to the individual, to their family, and to their community in working with all inmates pre-release to assist them in understanding their risk factors for recidivism, to understand their strengths and supports in the community, to understand their life situation, to attempt to connect them to family, and to pave their way back into their home communities by providing information and contact with those support systems that address their barriers such a mental and physical health, substance use treatment, domestic violence counselors, disability, LGBTQ, BIPOC, and faith-based resources. Ultimately, the inmate leaves with a sense of support and that there are those who believe in them. The HopeSource Second Chance program manager and case manager began work in 2021 with the Kittitas County Jail creating the necessary forms and processes to implement the grant and actively interviewing all inmates interested in case management pre-and-post-release providing inmates returning to King, Pierce, and Yakima counties with contact information for housing, case management, mental and physical health resources, disability, and substance use resources in the county they intended to return to. The case manager created a software system with the Kittitas County Jail which allowed inmates to indicate they wanted to discuss resources once released and was available weekly to meet with those interested. The pre-release assessments that will be used for all eligible candidates for the Second Chance program were administered and the results were reviewed with all currently incarcerated individuals whether they intended to return to other counties or not as a Beta Test for the assessments. Although HopeSource was not able to formally take on clients in the Second Chance program at this point in the process, any inmate from Kittitas County who reached out for assistance upon release was successfully connected with HopeSource housing and emergency services through other grant-funded programs. Inmates returning to other counties were provided travel vouchers when needed to return to their home community through other HopeSource grant-funded programs. Clients from King, Pierce, and Yakima Counties Pre-and-Post Release: The HopeSource case manager will provide pre-release assessments and post-release referrals for incarcerated individuals from King, Pierce, and Yakima Counties. Pre-release efforts will include information on the results of the risk assessment profiles administered by the case manager and how that will impact them as they re-enter a community. Post-release, the case manager will provide the client with connections to rapid re-housing, family reunification, stability planning for permanent housing, education, employment, and to nutrition, transportation, physical and mental health, disability, and substance use providers in their area of return. Warm handoff referral contact will be initiated with the Community Action Agency (HopeSource is an active member of the statewide Community Action Agency) in their area for follow-up case management. Communication on the tools, skills, and connections provided for successful reentry will continue with the Community Action Agency and the client monthly for 6-12 months post-release. As a member of the Washington State Community Action Agency (i.e. Partnership), HopeSource has quarterly and as-needed contact with all 32 community action agencies in the State to facilitate the warm handoff and monitoring of referred clients. All community action member agencies operate the same types of case-managed programs as HopeSource. The long-standing relationships with these agencies will accelerate the ability to create Memorandums of Understanding and Release of Information forms and processes. All community action agencies are required by their contracts to utilize a Coordinated Entry System in their county. The systems may vary in type and operation but exist for the same purpose of quickly and easily allowing those in need to access their services. Specific to this grant Community Action Agencies in King County include Byrd Barr Place, El Centro de la Raza, Hopelink, Multi-Services Center South King County, Neighborhood House, and Solid Ground; in Pierce County agencies include Metropolitan Development Council and Pierce County Human Services; in Yakima County, there is the Opportunities Industrialization Center of Washington and the Northwest Community Action Center. A qualified case management contact from one or more of these agencies that will deliver services to referred clients will be confirmed and the monitoring process with that contact will include monthly phone calls or virtual calls, email exchanges, and service plans created by the case manager contact for the referred client will be reviewed for progress monthly for six months. HopeSource will provide support pre-and-post release for residents of Kittitas County who are incarcerated and who remain in Kittitas County. Pre-release will include administration by the case manager of the risk assessments and review with the client of the results of their assessment profiles and how that will impact them as they re-enter the community. Each inmate will be entered into the Coordinated Entry System at pre-release for ease of access by mental and physical health, substance use, and disability entities/organizations/agencies that have Memorandums of Understanding to employ or utilize the system. The Coordinated Entry (CE) System in Kittitas County was created by and is managed by HopeSource for initial intakes and identification of needs. The system can be accessed by any phone including cell phones, computers, and the HopeSource website. Each inquiry is contacted by a HopeSource CE specialist within 24 hours of entry into the system for follow-up and referral. The Second Chance case manager will support the client for 6-12 months post-release with rapid re-housing, family reunification, stability planning for permanent housing, education, employment, and connection to nutrition, transportation, physical and mental health, disability, and substance use providers. The manager of Hope University, a division of HopeSource, will provide basic life skills training and coaching in budgeting, credit and debt, saving money, how to be a good tenant, and access to transportation. Monitoring Process HopeSource will utilize the provided and required Office of Justice Programs reporting tools as models to use in monitoring and tracking client success. Models reviewed will include, but are not limited to, the BJA Performance Measurement Tool (PMT), OJP Performance Management Platform (PMP), and the OJP Grants Management System (GMS). Clients referred to a community action agency in King, Pierce, or Yakima counties will track progress in housing and employment and referrals made to other service providers including physical and mental health, disability, and substance use providers. All community action agencies are required to track progress against goals for each client and to report the results to the HMIS system (Homeless Management Information System) which HopeSource has access to through the Washington Community Action Agency.

Date Created: October 22, 2020