Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2020, $250,000)
Authorized under the Prison Rape Elimination Act, the FY20 PREA Program: Implementing the PREA Standards, Protecting Inmates, and Safeguarding Communities will assist confinement facilities and the agencies that oversee them in implementing prevention, identification, and response mechanisms that reduce the incidence of sexual abuse in these facilities, and to promote compliance with the PREA standards. Program funds will be used to support efforts of state, local, and tribal jurisdictions to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual abuse in confinement facilities covered by the PREA standards; promote comprehensive implementation of the standards; and enhance community safety by decreasing the likelihood that inmates, residents, and detainees are sexually victimized in confinement facilities prior to release.
The recipient will use funds to implement a facility wide program to create a safe zone for reporting sexual abuse or harassment. Specifically, the majority of funds will support salaries. A portion of funds will be used to purchase additional cameras, educational materials, and to cover travel expenses.
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