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Access information below about previously awarded funding through Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) programs. Use the search filters to find award details for specific programs, years, awardee locations, and more.

Award details can also be found on the Office of Justice Programs website where you can view awards made by solicitation for fiscal year 2023 and previous years.

Grantees: use the BJA Performance Measurement Tool to identify, collect, and report data on activities funded by your award.

Showing Results For:
State: AK

Number of Awards: 398
Total Amount Awarded: $169,996,038

Funded Awards
FY Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Sort descending Status
2016 Alaska Prison Rape Elimination Reallocation Funds BJA FY 16 Solicited - PREA Alaska Dept of Public Safety AK 2016-XT-BX-0017 $32,963 Closed
2018 Law Enforcement Training BJA FY 18 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local Solicitation JUNEAU, CITY & BOROUGH OF AK 2018-DJ-BX-0445 $34,240 Closed
2014 FY14 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Reallocation Funds BJA FY 14 Solicited - PREA Alaska Dept of Public Safety AK 2014-XT-BX-0017 $34,352 Closed
2019 2019 Alaska PREA Reallocation BJA FY 19 Solicited - PREA ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AK 2019-XT-BX-0014 $35,099 Closed
2017 Alaska Prison Rape Elimination Reallocation Funds BJA FY 17 Solicited - PREA Alaska Department of Public Safety AK 2017-XT-BX-0009 $35,271 Closed
2019 Law Enforcement Training BJA FY 19 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local Solicitation JUNEAU, CITY & BOROUGH OF AK 2019-DJ-BX-0763 $35,292 Closed
2018 2018 DPS PREA Reallocation BJA FY 18 Solicited - PREA PUBLIC SAFETY, ALASKA DEPT OF AK 2018-XT-BX-0020 $35,396 Closed
2009 FY 2009 Justice Assistance Grant Program BJA FY 09 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: Local Solicitation City & Borough of Juneau AK 2009-DJ-BX-0096 $35,894 Closed
2014 FFY14 Local JAG Program BJA FY 14 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program: Local City of Fairbanks Police Department AK 2014-DJ-BX-0347 $36,041 Closed
2009 Law Enforcement Training Simulator BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Local Solicitation City of Kodiak , Alaska AK 2009-SB-B9-0930 $36,117 Closed
2021 Training opportunities for Juneau Police Department. FY 2021 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local Solicitation JUNEAU CITY & BOROUGH OF AK 15PBJA-21-GG-01116-JAGX $36,135 Open
2023 Tasers, Quickcone and NIBRS Project. FY 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program – Local Solicitation CITY OF FAIRBANKS AK 15PBJA-23-GG-03006-JAGX $36,966 Open
2022 Training and equipment for the Juneau Police Department. FY 2022 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program – Local Solicitation JUNEAU CITY & BOROUGH OF AK 15PBJA-22-GG-02571-JAGX $37,362 Open
2009 Digital Evidence Management System. BJA FY 09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Local Solicitation City of Ketchikan AK 2009-SB-B9-2788 $38,807 Closed
2013 FFY2013 Local JAG Program BJA FY 13 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program: Local City of Fairbanks Police Department AK 2013-DJ-BX-0211 $39,198 Closed
2023 Training and equipment for the Juneau Police Department. FY 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program – Local Solicitation JUNEAU CITY & BOROUGH OF AK 15PBJA-23-GG-03008-JAGX $41,241 Open
2020 City of Kotzebue COVID-19 Emergency Response FY 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program CITY OF KOTZEBUE AK 2020-VD-BX-1866 $41,695 Closed
2020 COVID-19 Response Vehicle FY 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program CITY OF BETHEL AK 2020-VD-BX-1871 $42,607 Closed
2020 COVID-19 Emergency Funding for Law Enforcement FY 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH AK 2020-VD-BX-0763 $43,915 Closed
2012 FY 2012 Task Force Unit BJA FY 12 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program City of Fairbanks Police Department AK 2012-DJ-BX-0421 $45,080 Closed
2012 Alaska FY 2012 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program BJA FY 12 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT)for State Prisoners Program Alaska Dept of Public Safety AK 2012-RT-BX-0043 $46,053 Closed
2008 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program BJA FY 08 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: State Solicitation Alaska State Troopers AK 2008-DJ-BX-0743 $48,274 Closed
2015 FY 15 RSAT Program BJA FY 15 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners Program Alaska Department of Corrections AK 2015-RT-BX-0050 $49,325 Closed
2007 Alaska Prescription Drug Monitoring Project BJA FY 07 Developing and Enhancing Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development AK 2007-PM-BX-0027 $49,436 Closed
2014 FY 14 Alaska Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners Program BJA FY 14 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners (RSAT) Program Alaska Department of Corrections AK 2014-RT-BX-0021 $49,683 Closed