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Access information below about previously awarded funding through Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) programs. Use the search filters to find award details for specific programs, years, awardee locations, and more.

Award details can also be found on the Office of Justice Programs website where you can view awards made by solicitation for fiscal year 2023 and previous years.

Grantees: use the BJA Performance Measurement Tool to identify, collect, and report data on activities funded by your award.

Showing Results For:
Awardee Name: City of Indianapolis

Number of Awards: 36
Total Amount Awarded: $29,146,727

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2024 Indianapolis Public Safety Foundation Indy Peace Fellowship Program FY24 Invited to Apply—Byrne Discretionary Community Project Grants/Byrne Discretionary Grants Program CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 15PBJA-24-GG-00429-BRND $963,000 Open
2023 BJA FY 23 The Smart Policing Initiative Grant Program, IMPD ShotSpotter FY 2023 Smart Policing Initiative Grant Program CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 15PBJA-23-GG-04157-JAGP $800,000 Open
2023 City of Indianapolis JAG Local 2023 FY 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program – Local Solicitation CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 15PBJA-23-GG-03403-JAGX $1,057,847 Open
2022 FY22 JAG Local provides funding for various criminal justice programs serving citizens of the Consolidated City of Indianapolis/Marion County FY 2022 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program – Local Solicitation CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 15PBJA-22-GG-02102-JAGX $1,030,667 Open
2022 Mental Health Diversion Program FY 2022 Invited to Apply - Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding/Byrne Discretionary Grants Program CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 15PBJA-22-GG-00104-BRND $1,000,000 Open
2022 The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department's Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Program FY 2022 National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 15PBJA-22-GG-03837-SAKI $2,500,000 Open
2021 FY21 JAG Local provides funding for various criminal justice programs serving citizens of the Consolidated City of Indianapolis/Marion County FY 2021 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local Solicitation CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 15PBJA-21-GG-01474-JAGX $1,066,285 Open
2021 Operation Legend CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2020-DG-BX-0973 $500,000 Past Project Period End Date
2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program FY 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2020-VD-BX-1550 $3,298,298 Closed
2020 Indianapolis/Marion County FY20 JAG Project FY 2020 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Local Formula Solicitation CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2020-DJ-BX-0731 $955,876 Closed
2020 Operation Legend CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2020-DG-BX-0973 $250,000 Past Project Period End Date
2020 Operation Legend CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2020-DG-BX-0973 $750,000 Open
2019 Assessment Intervention Center BJA FY 19 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2019-MO-BX-0027 $500,000 Closed
2019 City of Indianapolis and Marion County Re-entry Initiative BJA FY 19 Innovative Reentry Initiatives: Building System Capacity & Testing Strategies to Reduce Recidivism CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2019-CZ-BX-0035 $905,700 Open
2019 City of Indianapolis Sexual Assault Kit Initiative BJA FY 19 National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2019-AK-BX-0017 $1,403,842 Closed
2019 FY 2019 Local JAG City of Indianapolis/Marion County BJA FY 19 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local Solicitation CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2019-DJ-BX-0324 $1,023,693 Past Project Period End Date
2018 FY 18 CGIC Program BJA FY 18 Local Law Enforcement Crime Gun Intelligence Center Integration Initiative CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2018-DG-BX-0005 $798,866 Closed
2018 FY 2018 IMPD Real-Time Crime Data Initiative BJA FY 18 Supporting Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs to Improve Officer and Public Safety CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2018-DG-BX-0016 $456,891 Closed
2018 GPS software overlay into CAD and RMS Systems BJA FY 18 Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Reducing Violent Crime by Improving Justice System Performance CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2019-ZB-BX-0014 $1,084,568 Open
2018 Indianapolis FY 2018 JAG Project BJA FY 18 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local Solicitation CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2018-DJ-BX-0818 $1,047,673 Closed
2017 Indianapolis FY17 JAG Project BJA FY 17 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local Solicitation CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS IN 2017-DJ-BX-0320 $1,016,278 Closed
2015 First Responders' Alternative to Incarceration Project BJA FY 15 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program City of Indianapolis IN 2015-MO-BX-0027 $250,000 Closed
2015 Indianapolis Second Chance Adult Re-entry BJA FY 15 Second Chance Act Two-Phase Adult Reentry Demonstration Program: Planning and Implementation City of Indianapolis IN 2015-CZ-BX-0011 $773,068 Closed
2010 FY 2010 Indianapolis Justice Assistance Grant FY 2010 Justice Assistance Grant Program City of Indianapolis IN 2010-DJ-BX-0812 $1,516,717 Closed
2010 Human Trafficking Task Force Initiative BJA FY 10 Human Trafficking Task Force City of Indianapolis IN 2010-VT-BX-0001 $100,000 Closed