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Access information below about previously awarded funding through Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) programs. Use the search filters to find award details for specific programs, years, awardee locations, and more.

Award details can also be found on the Office of Justice Programs website where you can view awards made by solicitation for fiscal year 2023 and previous years.

Grantees: use the BJA Performance Measurement Tool to identify, collect, and report data on activities funded by your award.

Showing Results For:
Awardee Name: HEALTH

Number of Awards: 319
Total Amount Awarded: $249,691,345

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2020 Utah Rural Adult Drug Courts FY 2020 Adult Drug Court and Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES UT 2020-DC-BX-0119 $750,000 Open
2020 Washington State Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Jail Based Program FY 2020 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners Program HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY WA 2020-J2-BX-0039 $438,297 Open
2020 West Michigan FY20 JMHCP Expansion Project FY 2020 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program WEST MICHIGAN COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM MI 2020-MO-BX-0032 $750,000 Open
2020 Yellowhawk Supportive Housing YELLOWHAWK TRIBAL HEALTH CENTER OR 2020-AC-BX-0006 $900,000 Open
2020 Yellowhawk Supportive Housing DOJ FY 2020 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) YELLOWHAWK TRIBAL HEALTH CENTER OR 2020-AC-BX-0006 $900,000 Open
2019 Appalachian District Health Department Locally Driven Response BJA FY 19 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program APPALACHIAN DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT NC 2019-AR-BX-K007 $551,257 Past Project Period End Date
2019 Behavioral Health Diversion Center BJA FY 19 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program REGION 12 COMMISSION ON MENTAL HEALTH & MENTAL RETARDATION MS 2019-AR-BX-K022 $878,333 Closed
2019 Circuit Court Behavioral Health Docket BJA FY 19 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program RICHMOND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AUTHORITY VA 2019-MO-BX-0014 $253,327 Past Project Period End Date
2019 Cleveland County Locally Driven Response to the Opioid Epidemic BJA FY 19 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program CLEVELAND COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT NC 2019-AR-BX-K013 $425,418 Closed
2019 Cook County FY19 JMHCP Project BJA FY 19 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program COOK COUNTY HEALTH BUREAU IL 2019-MO-BX-0036 $750,000 Past Project Period End Date
2019 District Two Recovery Court Implementation Project BJA FY 19 Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES NORTH CAROLINA NC 2019-DC-BX-0035 $391,252 Past Project Period End Date
2019 DuPage County Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-Based Program BJA FY 19 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program DUPAGE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT IL 2019-AR-BX-K016 $1,164,298 Open
2019 DuPage County Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program BJA FY 19 Solicited - Substance Abuse and Mental Health DUPAGE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT IL 2018-MO-BX-4033 $471,944 Closed
2019 Enhancing KASPER BJA FY 19 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program HEALTH SERVICES KENTUCKY CABINET FOR KY 2019-PM-BX-0013 $990,249 Past Project Period End Date
2019 Enhancing Rural Access in Oklahoma's Drug Courts BJA FY 19 Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES OK 2019-DC-BX-0004 $313,800 Open
2019 FY 19 JRJ Nevada BJA FY 19 John R. Justice Grant Program NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES NV 2019-RJ-BX-0038 $36,198 Closed
2019 FY 19 RSAT Washington State BJA FY 19 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners Program HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY WA 2019-J2-BX-0022 $422,195 Open
2019 FY2019 DNA Capacity Enhancement and Backlog Reduction (CEBR)Program FY 2019 DNA Capacity Enhancement and Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Program (Formula) UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT FORT WORTH TX 2019-DN-BX-0087 $477,688 Closed
2019 Guam Data Enhancement & Collaboration with the Northern Mariana Islands BJA FY 19 Solicited - COAP DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES GU 2018-PM-BX-0006 $126,000 Past Project Period End Date
2019 Idaho Safe Schools, Safe Students BJA FY 19 STOP School Violence Prevention and Mental Health Training Program HEALTH AND WELFARE, IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ID 2019-YS-BX-0031 $500,000 Closed
2019 JMHCP FY19 CIT in Tennessee BJA FY 19 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program MENTAL HEALTH & SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES, TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF TN 2019-MO-BX-0044 $660,356 Past Project Period End Date
2019 Lucas County MH Illnesses in Jails Collaborative BJA FY 19 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program MENTAL HEALTH AND RECOVERY SERVICES BOARD OF LUCAS COUNTY OH 2019-MO-BX-0001 $400,000 Closed
2019 New Orleans Opioid Survival Connection BJA FY 19 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program CITY OF NEW ORLEANS HEALTH DEPARTMENT LA 2019-AR-BX-K021 $735,270 Past Project Period End Date
2019 North Carolina Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-Based Program 2019 BJA FY 19 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES NC 2019-AR-BX-K025 $6,499,195 Open
2019 North Carolina Controlled Substances Reporting System Improvement BJA FY 19 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES NC 2019-PM-BX-0015 $1,932,830 Open