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Access information below about previously awarded funding through Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) programs. Use the search filters to find award details for specific programs, years, awardee locations, and more.

Award details can also be found on the Office of Justice Programs website where you can view awards made by solicitation for fiscal year 2023 and previous years.

Grantees: use the BJA Performance Measurement Tool to identify, collect, and report data on activities funded by your award.

Showing Results For:
State: DC,

Number of Awards: 309
Total Amount Awarded: $241,915,355

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2008 2008 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) Grant Program BJA FY 08 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: State Solicitation Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants DC 2008-DJ-BX-0004 $872,084 Closed
2008 2008 Gun and Gang Violence Reduction Program BJA FY 08 Project Safe Neighborhoods Initiative Court Services and Offenders Supervision Agency DC 2008-GP-CX-0073 $74,125 Closed
2008 BJA Center for Program Evaluation: Enhance Performance Measurement and Evaluation Capacity in the States BJA FY 08 Byrne Competitive Information Sharing Justice Research and Statistics Association, Inc. DC 2008-DD-BX-0690 $241,196 Closed
2008 BJA National Training and Technical Assistance Project BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards American University DC 2005-DD-BX-K053 $25,000 Closed
2008 Capital Litigation Initiative BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers DC 2008-CP-BX-K063 $130,000 Closed
2008 CCTV and Recording Technology for Child Abuse Victims: Regional Trainings and Mini-Grant Program BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education DC 2007-TT-BX-K001 $509,660 Closed
2008 Criminal Courts Technical Assistance Project BJA FY 08 Byrne Competitive Information Sharing American University DC 2008-DD-BX-0695 $499,999 Closed
2008 Criminal Law Reform Program in Uzbekistan BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education DC 2008-AB-CX-0572 $340,937 Closed
2008 DC Task Force on Human Trafficking BJA FY 08 Law Enforcement Task Forces for Human Trafficking Victims Continuation Grant Program Metropolitan Police Department DC 2008-VT-BX-0008 $249,599 Closed
2008 Drug Court Clearinghouse 2009-2010 BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards American University DC 2008-DD-BX-K339 $150,000 Closed
2008 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) BJA FY 08 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program: State Solicitation Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants DC 2008-DJ-BX-0737 $58,826 Closed
2008 Eisenhower Foundation Quantum Opportunities Program Replication, Toledo, Ohio Congressionally Mandated Award Milton S Eisenhower Foundation DC 2008-DD-BX-0623 $536,609 Closed
2008 Enhancing State-Tribal Government Collaboration for Strategic Planning BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards National Criminal Justice Association DC 2008-AC-BX-K336 $87,832 Closed
2008 Gang Prevention and Intervention for At-Risk Youth Congressionally Mandated Award Latin American Youth Center Inc DC 2008-DD-BX-0498 $637,029 Closed
2008 ICCPR Criminal Procedure Assessment for Kyrgyzstan BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education DC 2008-AB-CX-0670 $105,000 Closed
2008 Increasing Knowledge of National Standards and Models for Justice Information Sharing BJA FY 08 Byrne Competitive Information Sharing National Criminal Justice Association DC 2008-DD-BX-K707 $237,928 Closed
2008 Jail Reentry Toolkits BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards The Urban Institute DC 2005-RE-CX-K148 $199,772 Closed
2008 Law Enforcement Organization of Planning & Research Directors (LEOPRD) Forum Project BJA FY 08 Byrne Competitive Information Sharing POLICE EXECUTIVE RESEARCH FORUM DC 2009-DD-BX-K006 $66,943 Closed
2008 National Reentry Roundtable on Education BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards The Urban Institute DC 2008-MU-MU-K002 $75,000 Closed
2008 No Estas Sola/o: Human Trafficking Spanish-Language Public Awareness and Education Project BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards Self Reliance Foundation DC 2007-MU-BX-K458 $250,000 Closed
2008 Prosecutorial Reform Index in Bulgaria BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education DC 2008-AB-CX-0370 $48,312 Closed
2008 Reducing Jail Populations, Improving Communities: A Strategic Approach for Justice Reinvestment at the Local Level BJA FY 08 Byrne Competitive Information Sharing The Urban Institute DC 2008-DD-BX-0684 $349,396 Closed
2008 Regional Anti-Corruption Coordinator in Asia (continuation of grant 2007-AB-CX-K004) BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education DC 2007-AB-CX-K004 $897,312 Closed
2008 State Leadership in Facilitating Justice Information Sharing BJA FY 08 Byrne Competitive Information Sharing National Governors Association Center for Best Practices DC 2008-DD-BX-0691 $343,936 Closed
2008 Training and Technical Assistance for Justice Information Sharing BJA FY 08 Solicited Awards National Criminal Justice Association DC 2008-DD-BX-K011 $1,400,000 Closed