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Project Dawn (Deaths Avoided With Naloxone) Training Video
Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided With Naloxone) is a community-based overdose education and naloxone distribution program. This video is a Project DAWN training video on overdose prevention, including recognizing the signs and symptoms of overdose, distinguishing between different types of overdose, performing rescue breathing, calling emergency medical services, and administering intranasal Naloxone.
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New York Police Officers on their Use of Naloxone
New York Police Department (NYPD) Officers speaking of their experience using and administering Naloxone (Narcan) to prevent fatal opioid overdoses. Film by Joshua Vinehout, NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services
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Combating Heroin Abuse and Keeping Our Communities Safe
In one of former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder's weekly video addresses, he calls the rise in heroin overdoses an urgent public health crisis and vows a mix of enforcement and treatment.
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Ocean County, NJ, Police Get Drug Overdose Antidote
Ocean County police officers learned how to administer the medication naloxone to temporarily reverse the effects of a narcotic overdose. Video courtesy of NJTV news and the Ocean County, NJ, Prosecutor's Office.
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Lieutenant Detective Pat Glynn: Saving Lives with Narcan
Lieutenant Detective Pat Glynn, Commander: Special Investigations/Narcotics Unit of the Quincy, Massachusetts Police Department, shares some impressive results, where opiate overdose deaths have been greatly reduced by officers carrying Naloxone, or Narcan. Recorded at the Law Enforcement Safety and Drug Policy Summit, coordinated by the North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition, June 12th, 2012, in Raleigh, NC.
Washington State 911 Good Samaritan Law
Seattle Police Department training video about Washington state's 911 Good Samaritan Law, Naloxone distribution, and website. Posted by the University of Washington Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute, April 2012.
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