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Series: Voices from the Field: Treatment Courts - RISE23

How Treatment Courts Support Recovery with Abby Frutchey

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Abby Frutchey, Co-Founder, National Treatment Court Alumni Association. In the interview, Ms. Frutchey speaks to how treatment courts impacted her recovery journey and how that led to her working to bring alumni together to help support courts across the country.

Treatment Courts at the State Level with Mary Kay Hudson

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Mary Kay Hudson, Executive Director of the Indiana Office of Court Services. In the interview, Ms. Hudson speaks about her background in helping to develop treatment courts in her state. She also speaks to the importance of states adhering to best practices and standards when establishing and managing court programs.

Impact of Mentor Courts on Recovery and Community Safety with Judge Shannon A. Holmes

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Judge Shannon A. Holmes, 36th District Court, Detroit, Michigan. In the interview, Judge Holmes discusses mentor courts and what she has learned while serving on such a court. Judge Holmes also provides some insight to those considering developing a treatment court.

Equity and Social Justice in Drug Treatment Courts with Judge Karen Freeman Wilson

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Judge Karen Freeman Wilson, President and CEO of the Chicago Urban League. In the interview, Judge Freeman Wilson discusses equity and the role of the judge and highlights the importance of access to treatment courts and the impact these courts can have on communities as a whole.

History of Treatment Courts with Judge Bill Meyer

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Judge Bill Meyer, Senior Judicial Fellow with the National Drug Court Institute and former Denver (Colorado) District Court judge. In the interview, Judge Meyer speaks to the improvements and the evolution of treatment courts over the last 30 years, as well as how the Bureau of Justice Assistance was a part of the evolution. Judge Meyer also discussed how treatment courts provide individuals with the tools and support they need to make change.

How to Support Recovery with Treatment Courts - Carlos Gonzales

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Carlos Gonzales, Statewide Program Manager, Alumni and Peer Initiatives, New Mexico. In the interview, Mr. Gonzales speaks about how treatment courts impacted his recovery journey, providing him with a way to become accountable in and a part of his community. Mr. Gonzales also discusses the role that treatment court alumni can have in the treatment court process.

Treating Veteran Trauma through Treatment Courts with Brian Meyer, Ph.D.

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Brian Meyer, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and traumatologist with the Veterans Health Administration. During the interview, Dr. Meyer speaks to the different components that help create a successful veterans treatment court and how such courts help veterans deal with trauma.

Treatment Courts and Law Enforcement Working Together to Heal with Vanessa Matthews

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Vanessa Matthews, Director of the Treatment Court Institute at All Rise. In the interview, Ms. Matthews discusses how her background as a law enforcement officer helped lead to her involvement in getting a treatment court set up in Oklahoma.

Person-Centered Care and Recovery through Treatment Courts with Steve Hanson

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Steve Hanson, Senior Treatment Consultant at All Rise. In the interview, Mr. Hanson speaks about the role treatment courts have in recovery from substance use. He also speaks to the evolution of treatment and what treatment courts are doing to address service and support needs of individuals.

Treatment Court Standards and Best Practices with Terrence Walton

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Terrence Walton, Chief Operating Officer of All Rise. In the interview, Mr. Walton discusses the Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards and how treatment court teams can successfully implement what is contained in the Standards. Mr. Walton also highlights the impact that treatment courts can have on an individual’s road to recovery.

Adult Treatment Court and Mentor Court with Judge Knisely

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Judge Mary Jane Knisely with the 13th Judicial District Court in Billings, Montana. In the interview, Judge Knisely discusses the treatment courts she presides over and highlights how her courts have served as mentor courts, which provides a means for others to come and train with their teams and observe a docket.

Youth Justice and Juvenile Treatment Courts with Jacqueline van Wormer, Ph.D.

September 2023
During this interview from RISE23, hear from Jacqueline van Wormer, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Advancing Justice at All Rise. In the interview, Dr. van Wormer discusses the differences between juvenile and adult treatment courts and the importance of programs and services that specifically support the needs of juveniles.