Access details about and full-text links to publications and resources produced or sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). Older BJA materials are available in the Office of Justice Programs' Virtual Library.
T3 - Tact, Tactics, and Trust Training and Technical Assistance
Key Trends in Body-Worn Camera Policy and Practice: A Four Year Policy Analysis of US Department of Justice-Funded Law Enforcement Agencies
National Motor Vehicle Title Information System: Working for States
How To Reduce Repeat Encounters: A Brief for Law Enforcement Executives
Justice & Mental Health Collaboration Program
Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Prioritizing Prison Resources Where They Matter Most
The Role of Technology in the Strategies for Policing Innovation Program: Challenges, Solutions, and Lessons Learned -- Hardware Edition
The Role of Technology in the Strategies for Policing Innovation Program: Challenges, Solutions, and Lessons Learned -- Software Edition
Understanding and Responding to Crime and Disorder Hot Spots
The Justice Reinvestment Initiative Helps Law Enforcement Keep Communities Safe
JRI: Helping Law Enforcement Keep Communities Safe
Less-Lethal Weaponry, Post-Traumatic Stress, and their Impact on Officer Safety and Wellness: Emerging Issues and Recommendations
Implementation of Prior Recommendations and Barriers to Enactment
Evaluating the Los Angeles Crime Gun Intelligence Center
Evaluation of the Milwaukee Police Department's Crime Gun Intelligence Center
Responding to the Opioid Crisis in Rural America: Judges and Sheriffs Workshop, Meeting Summary
Triage of Forensic Evidence Testing: A Guide for Prosecutors
The National Consortium on Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide
BWC Cost and Storage Estimator Guidebook
Crime Gun Intelligence Center Practices: Lessons Learned From the Field
Innovative Uses of Automated License Plate Readers To Enhance Criminal Investigations
Investigating Violent Crime: The Prosecutors Role - Lessons Learned From the Field
What is a Crime Gun Intelligence Center? Overview for Local Law Enforcement
Looking for older BJA reports and publications? See the Office of Justice Programs' Virtual Library.