Access details about and full-text links to publications and resources produced or sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). Older BJA materials are available in the Office of Justice Programs' Virtual Library.
A Matter of Public Health and Safety: How States Can Support Local Crisis Systems
HIV Prevention and the Treatment Needs of Offenders at risk for or Living with HIV/AIDS
Trauma-Informed Approaches in Correctional Settings
Integrated Substance Abuse Treatment for Clients with Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders
Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders
Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Overview
How to Successfully Implement a Mobile Crisis Team
Assessing the Impact of Mobile Crisis Teams: A Review of Research
Assessing the Impact of Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD): A Review of Research
PTSD, panic disorder and alcohol use disorder as a triple threat for violence among male jail detainees
Developing and Implementing Your Co-Responder Program
Implementing Specialized Caseloads to Reduce Recidivism for People with Co-Occurring Disorders
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: Puerto Rico Profile (2021)
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: North Carolina State Profile (2021)
Utah Justice Reinvestment: Improving Public Safety, Addressing Treatment Needs
National Consortium on Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide Final Report
Prosecutorial Diversion Literature Review - Bibliography
Law Enforcement and First Responder Diversion Pathways to Diversion Case Studies Series: Officer Intervention
Officer Suicide: Understanding the Challenges and Developing a Plan of Action
The Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program: Leading Change in State and Local Justice Systems
Preventing Suicide Among Law Enforcement Officers: An Issue Brief
Officer Suicide Post-Event Response Guide — Emerging Issues, Recommendations, and Considerations for Law Enforcement Organizations
T3 - Tact, Tactics, and Trust Training and Technical Assistance
Justice & Mental Health Collaboration Program
Looking for older BJA reports and publications? See the Office of Justice Programs' Virtual Library.