Access details about and full-text links to publications and resources produced or sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). Older BJA materials are available in the Office of Justice Programs' Virtual Library.
Going Beyond Compliance Monitoring for Drug and Alcohol-Involved Tribal Probationers
Prioritizing Justice-to-Health Exchanges Task Team Final Report
Preventing Line of Duty Deaths: A Chief's Duty
Spur to Innovation: An Examination of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's Field-Initiated Grant Program
Strategies for Procurement Innovation and Reform
Officer Safety and Wellness (OSW) Group Meeting Summary, April 25, 2012: Vehicle Operation, Risk Management, and Problem-based Learning
Drivers with Alzheimer's Disease: 10 Warning Signs/10 Steps for Interacting
Identifying and Helping a Driver With Alzheimer's Disease: Tips for Law Enforcement and Motorist Assist Workers
Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement
Homicide Process Mapping: Best Practices for Increasing Homicide Clearances
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Correctional Education: A Meta-Analysis of Programs That Provide Education to Incarcerated Adults
Command, Control, and Coordination: A Quick-Look Analysis of the Tampa Police Department's Operations During the 2012 Republican National Convention
Faith and Communities in Action: A Resource Guide for Increasing Partnership Opportunities to Prevent Crime and Violence
Officer Safety and Wellness (OSW) Group Meeting Summary: Psychological Health
National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan: Building a National Capability for Effective Criminal Intelligence Development and the Nationwide Sharing of Intelligence and Information
Prosecuting Cases of Sexual Abuse in Confinement
Officer Safety and Wellness (OSW) Group Meeting Summary: Leadership, Creating a Culture of Safety
Community Corrections Automated Case Management Procurement Guide with Bid Specifications, Version 1.0
Officer Safety and Wellness (OSW) Group Annual Summary: Issues and Recommendations for Improving the Wellbeing of Police Officers, 2011-2012
Boston, Massachusetts Smart Policing Initiative: Evaluating a Place-Based Intervention to Reduce Violent Crime
Street Outreach and the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model
Tracking Costs and Savings through Justice Reinvestment
Data-Driven Decisionmaking for Strategic Justice Reinvestment
Officer Safety and Wellness (OSW) Group Meeting Summary, January 26, 2012: Officer Deaths and Injuries from Gunfire
Global Privacy Resources Booklet
Looking for older BJA reports and publications? See the Office of Justice Programs' Virtual Library.