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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP)

FY25 Funding Available


The COSSUP Resource Center houses a wide array of resources, including newsletters, webinars, podcasts, publications, and training opportunities. Individualized training and technical assistance (TTA) can be requested on the website.

Technical Assistance Providers

Advocates for Human Potential

Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) and its partners serve as a TTA provider for the National COSSAP Jail-based Treatment and Community Corrections Program (Category 2), supporting local or regional jails and their partners in their efforts to seamlessly transition individuals from in-custody to community-based treatment. AHP has transformed and improved organizational systems of care through training and technical assistance (TTA), business development, and research and evaluation for the past 35 years. In addition to establishing and operating technical assistance centers for several federal agencies (including the Bureau of Justice Assistance), AHP provides specialized TTA to criminal justice agencies. AHP’s diverse team leverages cutting-edge knowledge of research and evidence-based practices in criminal justice programming, substance abuse treatment and recovery, and opioid overdose prevention to support COSSAP grantees, as well as other stakeholders, with knowledge and practical tools to build and sustain successful multidisciplinary responses to the opioid overdose epidemic and improve reentry and recidivism outcomes.


Increasingly, peer recovery support services (PRSS) are an important—and sometimes central—part of efforts to effectively address the opioid epidemic. Altarum believes that peer-based services are vital to the continuum of care for individuals impacted by the opioid epidemic. Altarum works with organizations and systems as they implement best practices and promising approaches related to PRSS. Altarum supports federal, state, and local governments, as well as national and community-based organizations, to build a system of care that focuses on recovery, active involvement of consumers and their families, and multiple services to best meet individual needs and to strengthen and improve the health of communities.

National Criminal Justice Training Center, Fox Valley Technical College

The National Criminal Justice Training Center (NCJTC) of Fox Valley Technical College was established more than 25 years ago and has extensive experience managing complex national U.S. Department of Justice-funded training and technical assistance (TTA) efforts that demand attention to detail, competency, diversity, flexibility, and innovation. NCJTC is proud to support urban, rural, and under-resourced communities, as well as culturally sensitive areas such as tribal communities. NCJTC provides solutions that address specific public safety concerns through on-site training, conferences, online learning opportunities, and customized TTA. Areas of focus include tribal justice systems planning and capacity building, tribal corrections capacity building, alcohol- and substance abuse-related crime, comprehensive tribal victim service program development, and comprehensive strategic planning.

Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Center

The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Center (PDMP TTAC) provides a comprehensive array of services, support, resources, and strategies to PDMPs, BJA grant recipients, federal partners, and other stakeholders to further the efforts and effectiveness of PDMPs in combating the misuse, abuse, and diversion of prescription drugs. PDMP TTAC’s focus is to improve consistency and alignment among PDMPs, facilitate coordination between PDMPs and state and national stakeholders, increase PDMP efficiencies, measure performance and effectiveness, and promote best practices.

RTI International

RTI International’s role in COSSAP is to provide direct support to state agencies and subrecipients, making communities safer by promoting evidence-based practices to respond to the opioid epidemic across all government levels. Through its substantive, methodological, and technical assistance expertise, RTI and its partners foster peer-to-peer learning and cross-site coordination to enable discussions of lessons learned, facilitate program improvements, and promote evidence-based program proliferation, providing tailored training and technical assistance for the unique needs of jurisdictions that can also be applied nationally.

TASC Center for Health and Justice

TASC’s Center for Health and Justice (CHJ) helps COSSAP grantees implement evidence-based, systemic solutions at the front end of the justice system to respond to the substance use that often underlies criminal justice involvement. CHJ helps build integrated criminal justice, behavioral health, and community systems by assisting first responders in developing pathways to treatment for individuals at risk for opioid use and overdose. CHJ offers online resources and in-person TTA engagements customized to the needs of specific jurisdictions with the goals of connecting and maximizing the treatment resources of the community to improve public health and safety.

Institute for Intergovernmental Research

The Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) serves as the connecting point for COSSAP training and technical assistance (TTA) efforts and collaborates with Bureau of Justice Assistance leadership and fellow TTA providers to work directly with COSSAP site-based grantees. IIR’s role includes publication production and design; planning, coordination, and delivery of national-level trainings and working group meetings; COSSAP Resource Center website development and maintenance; provision of subject-matter expertise; coordination of distance learning opportunities and resource dissemination; and coordination of other complementary activities.

Date Created: February 19, 2012