Global Has Your Solutions to Justice Information Sharing Questions
Whether you are tackling a justice information sharing business problem, targeting a general area of interest, or are looking for a specific Global publication, the Global Wizard has the solution. This tool is designed to give you, the user, options for locating the best solutions. From developing a privacy policy to establishing a fusion center; from guidance on first amendment rights to how to implement Global Reference Architecture standards, Global has your solution!
Global Spotlight: Learn about the Global Standards Package (GSP)
The Global Standards Package is a collection of normative, independently versioned standards that are assembled into a package of interoperable solutions specifically supporting the exchange of justice information. To promote increased interoperability among justice information sharing systems, the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) has started issuing guidance relative to the use of the Global Standards Package.
Below are pre-populated searches to get you started on a few topics.
Looking for older reports and publications? See the Office of Justice Programs' Virtual Library.